Sunday, February 8, 2009

Smog Of Information Affecting Newspapers

Writen by Lance Winslow

As more and more people get their news from MSN, Google and Yahoo, less and less are relying on the local newspapers. In this day and age with 200 channels of Satellite Radio, 400 Channels of Satellite TV, instant breaking news by email and online news gathering of search engines the newspaper industry is taking a hit. Some say they are taking it in stride and are a valuable resource for news both local and regionally. Others completely disagree. For instance I currently take about 40 key word news items on Google News Alerts. These are things, which include my personal interests and business interests. Most people now who are Internet Savvy get their news online and only occasionally buy a newspaper from the rack. As a matter of fact they may only casually glance at the newspaper delivered to their house and even then only articles, which give a second or third opinion from that of the Internet or TV news.

Some newspapers are watching their advertisers disappear for Internet, Cable TV and radio, as the ads are not pulling. Also it is very hard to beat the Internet's shelf life compared to the one-day newspaper ad. It is viewed only once and thrown out. A few National Magazines, Trade Journals and Metro Newspapers have been caught or accused of boosting subscriber or readership figures. Recently Newsday was caught cooking the books on its purported readership and two high-ranking executives were convicted of fraud by the Massachusetts Attorney Generals office.

Trade Journals are known for boosting readership rates claiming that more than one person reads the magazine when sent to a business. In fact this is true, our automotive shops always put them in out in the customer lobby areas. Many trade journals have told me that this boosts their readership by up to five times the subscriber data figures. I have even been asked how many people besides you will be reading this magazine while filling out free subscription questioners to see if eligible. What we are seeing in print medium advertising sales is a huge decline, although some say sales are up 2-5% in some trade journals. However the economy has grown since 2003 by double or triple that in many industries. The newspapers are hurting in many markets, some more than others and yes there are a few which have had increases, but over all we are seeing a huge decline in print media advertising and a 200-300% growth in Internet Advertising over all. Some websites say that sales have dropped off a little, yet there are 4-5 times as much competition for the same ads in many sectors and so there should be 4-5 times a drop in advertisers, but there is not.

Internet advertising seems to be the best bang for your buck and many companies are learning this through observation. This is hurting and will continue to hurt the print mediums. Think on this.

Lance Winslow - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance;

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