Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Sell More Of Everything

Writen by Sylvie Minson

This is a common trick used by new businesses, particularly in the 'tech' industry to increase your total sales in a hurry, at very little cost to you.

For every person that buys your product, tell them if three or four of their friends also buy the product, you'll give them a rebate of the full sales price. That's it.

Of course, you'll have to do the math and make sure this works out for you. You don't want to end up selling more product and losing money anyway.

Of course, if you would end up losing money, I'd say you're selling your product far too cheaply - but, that's another story.

It's like having a temporary sales force out there working for you. Try it out. Make sure you keep good records, give people a number to give their friends, to make sure they get credit for the sale.

You'll also probably want to have at least one up-sell item you can add onto this plan. Something extra you can sell along with the initial product and add even more to your revenue.

With this plan you can easily increase your sales three or four fold in a very short period of time.

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