Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Cynics Never Win

Writen by Edmund Loh

Cynics are very skeptical people and they are a particular group of people I will always want to avoid meeting where Internet Business is concerned. I am also sure that you have had come across some of them, if not many by now.

The successful people I have heard of and even some whom I have had the privilege to meet online or in person always want to understand in what they believe. On the other hand, the cynics of life are people who want to believe in what they understand.

Do you see the differences here?

It simply means that cynics want to believe in the little knowledge they know on a subject. Today, I still have cynics (embarrassingly enough, most of them were my friends) asking me the following questions out of skepticism about my Internet Business:

[1] Is it legal?
[2] Will you go bankrupt?
[3] Will you not go to jail?

They asked these questions not out of concern or curiosity but rather out of skepticism and it breaks my heart sometimes because these are the questions coming out from the mouth of those whom I considered my friends (which I changed my set of friends eventually).

I can see myself wealthy and successful 5 years from now.

These very same cynics are going to wonder why I am ahead of them financially and they are stuck at a dead-end job where they think they should not be in, at least with their degrees and credentials.

And ironically enough, these are the very same people who tell others to be "open-minded".

Little do these people know that when they avoid the little risk or uncertainty they see, they also avoid the possibilities of reaping the rewards altogether. It is okay to be detailed, do your homework and sometimes feel doubtful, but you must encompass a larger view of the whole subject you are studying, Internet Business or not.

If you are just starting your Internet Business from home and have yet to succeed (which you will in time, fueled with a strong will and determination) and are surrounded by cynical friends, it may very well be a sign telling you to change your friends.

As a business owner, you need to associate with strong and healthy friends. Make strong relationship with friends who will encourage you and pull you out of the rubble, not friends who will make you a fool and push you into the rubble.

The good places to start with are forums and discussion boards dedicated to Internet Business and Marketing.

Nothing is more powerful and motivating than being in the company of like-minded people sharing the same vision towards a positive goal.

Copyright (c) Edmund Loh

About the Author:
Edmund Loh is the author of the E-Biz Wiz Blog and Starting An Internet Business Special Report with over 6 years of web designing experience before he engaged in an Internet Business. Visit his website for more online business ideas, tips, and information at and also get a free copy of his Special Report.

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